Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reminder From Mr Muhammad

Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 7 comments
First Meeting with our Batch Coordinator, Mr Muhammad Prashmit.
Monday, 8th February 2010


Starting from Tuesday, 9 February 2010, we are requested to wear our Matric card at all time when we are in the class or in the Campus. This is because, according to Mr Muhammad, as well as being one of the college rules, our college will be having a lot of visits from various institutions all over the world, and also the Ministry. Thus we are required to play our part in upholding our College image.

Mr Muhammad informed that many lecturers or Mentors are not satisfied with the performance of their Mentee (us) when it comes to our Affective Domain. We are required to fill in our Mentee file, and other things such as Reflective Diary, Peer Assessment Evaluation and any other things regarding the issue.

When it comes to group, we are also reminded to improve our group dynamics, meaning the range of our marks in groups shouldn’t be too wide with a student getting an A, when others are failing or getting low marks. Help each other and ensure that your group have proper discussion session and also work distribution.

If possible, in any activities that you join, or Affective Domain session in class, bring your log book to ask for the marks or certification that you are joining that activity. Students are losing AD points because they do not do so.


More about class issue, lecturers are complaining about our attendance and punctuality. Regarding attendance,for those who are absent for 2 days without a reason, they are required to write a letter of reason to Mr Muhammad as he had instructed. As a reminder for punctuality, please be present in the class before the lecturer come in, even for the second session (10.30 am class). Lecturers are quite disappointed with this attitude, when students only come to the class after the lecturers have come.

Mr Muhammad also reminded that if according to him, guys are not allowed to sit in the last row. The can sit at the back, or the middle, but not at the last row.

Some of the lecturers are complaining about our attire. The lecturers have seen some students wearing jeans albeit in black, and some lecturers are complaining about students wearing sport shoes or sneakers.

During end of Block Evaluation Session, when we are given a form to evaluate the class and the lecturers, please fill in the form as it is actually required from the Ministry as a way to evaluate our College performance. A bad evaluation, coming from lack of cooperation from us, will lead to our Degree being not accredited, or whatever the term is.


Behave and watch our attitude. Respect the lecturers and also our peers. No shouting, jeering, or screaming when lecturers or students are giving presentation. There is also a fine line between discussing or asking, and arguing. So, watch our language or tone when we are talking with others, especially our lecturers.

If anyone of us has any complaints, ideas, or anything, you are encouraged to meet with your Mentor to discuss it, or you can even meet with Mr Muhammad personally. The best way I think is, for you to report anything to your group leader and let them be your/our medium of communication.

Lastly, Microb Perception, compile per group and send it to Mr Muhammad by Monday, 15 February 2010. Please note that all of these are from the meeting and I am only conveying the information to all of us.

Thank you


Muhammad Ashraf

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Medical Microbiology

Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 4 comments
Salam everyone and hope you have a pleasant time ahead.

Its been such a long time since this blog was last updated. Even the supposed owner of the blog seems to be forgetting about it, but it is understandable due to the hectic schedule that we have for some time. Since the last update, many things have passed, we have the sport's carnival, and is now in our third weeks of Medical Microbiology block.

Recently, it is a good thing that the student is becoming more and more aware of the purpose of having a batch email for information sharing. However, it seems that some of the student or most of them do not follow the proper etiquette and manner when using our batch email.

From now on, please, for those who wants to share anything, an info, a video, or reply to a certain lecture or any given post, please do so by stating your name. If you think that you are doing a good thing, the right thing, than I think there will be no problem for you to state your God given identity.

People are complaining left and right, and even the lecture too, about this certain kind of attitude, which, as it seems, something that our batch is famous for. Our attitude. So please, after this, any email without proper identification will be deleted. You have been warned.

As the Malay saying goes, baling batu sembunyi tangan, dont do this as this is such a cowardly act. Hope we can all coperate for the benefit of our batch.

Thank you.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Behavioural Sciences II

Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 2 comments

Salam guys,

Happy holiday to all and hope you have a pleasant holiday wherever you are. First of all, I would like to apologise for the late update. In order to ensure that our lecture is minimally intruded while they are away on their business, I wish this can make things clearer for everyone.

For our Behavioural Science block, we will have an individual assignment and a group assignment. For the individual assignment, it will take course as the block goes, meaning, the whole block.

For this week, your holiday week, (7 December onward) you just have to identify your daily routine or behaviour, or as it is termed, collect a baseline data. From there, select, identify and work on a spesifc behaviour which you think can be modified or best used for the assigment, for example correlation of sleeping time with wake up time, eating habit with weight increase or decrease, or study time with exam marks.

When you have identified it, then, as we started the block (14 December onward) and for the next three weeks you have to work on that specific behaviour that you have choose and collect your related data. Then, by the 4th week, 28 December, you should be ready with all the data and presentation, and begin your writing set up.

For better understanding, please open the Gmail, download the latest instruction from Madam Firdous and read these following documents in these order :

Behaviour Assignment Modification Description Edited
Behavioural Modification Additional Reference
Behavioural Sciences Presentation Project Description : For Group Assignment

Please read the first two documents carefully and understand it. This is for your own good as it involves your continuous assessment marks. Wish everyone will do well in it. For the group assignment, I think you all can tackle it yourself as a group.

Again, have the best of time on your holiday. Be safe

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Behavioural Science

Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 1 comments


Before we start with Behavioural Science, the week after our holiday, we will be having a CHET reflection/perception session. Each of the group must be prepared with one slide, one slide only, as a presentation. During the session, each group must come forward with all of their members but only one will present. Among the things that must be presented is/are :
  • What have you learn from the visit, one that you thing will serve you well as a medical student, and for the future as a doctor, if God willing we will actually become one.
  • Best visit and worst visit, and why is it so and what can you learn from that visit.

And then for those who havent submitted their softcopy, hardcopy or the CHET form, please do so and submit it yourself to Dr. Tayyab. Thats all regarding CHET.

Behavioural Science

The notes, instructions and all ( I dont know what it is since I havent looked at it yet) have been uploaded in the Gmail. Please do not delete it, first. Then please read it regarding your individual assignment. After the Patho final of course.

I have been given a copy (hardcopy) of the notes, scl, and all of the things regarding the course, which I will make a copy for each group, as instructed by the lecturer. From there, the onus fell on the group to distribute the notes and instruction. Hopefully, I can give it to you all by Thursday but I highly doubt it as there are so many of it. So it will be ready for your group by Friday. So be patient for the time being.

Again, as a reminder, there are individual assignment for the next block so check the Gmail and read the instructions.Spread the words to your friends and make sure no one get left out.

Good luck for your Final :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pengajian Malaysia

Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 4 comments

From Mr Shahril

Salam wbt,.. dan selamat petang..

Mbbs tahun 1, bpharm year 1, 4A&4B Foundation,..

Bersama emel ini saya sertakan slide-slide utk subjek pengajian malaysia bagi ulangkaji anda semua . Terdapat 8 slide, mewakili bab-bab yang bakal ditanya dalam kertas soalan pegajian m'sia nti.

Untuk kertas pengajian malaysia ini terbahagi kpd 2 bahagian, Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.
Bahagian A.
Bahagian A (50 markah). 50 soalan objektif (jawab semua)- , Soalan merangkumi Bab 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7 (slide yg diberi), Dasar2 Krjn dlm nota tambahan. anda digalakkan membuat rujukan dan bacaan tambahan.

Bahagian B.
Bahagian B (50 markah) 1 soalan menwakili 10 markah. Soalan esei dan soalan struktur, jawab 5 soalan daripada 7 soalan, merangkumi bab1-7 dan Dasar-dasar kerajaan, dan diminta para pelajar mencari bahan bacaan tambahan bagi membantu anda semasa menjawab nanti.
Bab-1- Masyarakat
Bab-2- Budaya
Bab-3- Hubungan Etnik Di Malaysia
Bab-4- Zaman Penjajahan
Bab-5- Pembentukan Malaysia
Bab-6- Perlembagaan Malaysia.
Bab 7- Jentera Pentadbiran Malaysia.
(NOTA TAMBAHAN)Pengajian Malaysia. Dasar-dasar kerajaan.

i. Dasar Ekonomi Baru
ii.Dasar Pembangunan Nasional
iii.Dasar Wawasan Negara
iv.Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan
v.Dasar Belia Negara
vi.Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan
vii.Wawasan 2020(apa visi dan matlamat)
viii.Dasar Luar. (sila buat bacaan tambahan untuk dasar-dasar diatas).

Peperiksaan Pengajian Malaysia akan dijalankan pada:
30 November 2009.
Pukul 2.30-5.00 petang.(2 jam 30 minit)

mbbs&bpharm : Lecture Hall 1&2 Faculty.
foundation 4a&4b : hall 1 CBD.

Sila datang setengah jam awal bagi memudahkan urusan dan persiapan.
Selamat study, selamat berjaya dan selamat menjawab. eidul adha al mubarak

*Notes are forwarded in the gmail

Friday, November 27, 2009


Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera,


How to deal with stress?

Prepare a six-page pamphlet/brochure on managing stress in life as a medical student. Your pamphlet should primarily contain your own suggestions on methods of dealing with stress.

  • You are free to include additional relevant information on your brochure but you are not to exceed the six-page limit.
  • This is a group effort and you will be assessed as such.
  • Completed hard copies of your assignment are to be submitted by 24th December 2009.
  • The best brochure will be selected for distribution to CUCMS students in the next academic session (2010/2011).


Things to be submit,

- Soft and hard copies of the presentations.
- All objectives.
- Attendance form for all five visits.
- Claim forms.
- Evaluation forms.

Please submit all the forms before Wednesday(021209) morning.

Thank you (=

Afiqah Roslan

Saturday, November 7, 2009

perceptions (updated)

Posted by CUCMS MBBS 0910 4 comments
Dear friends,

blog perception and reflective diary's format.


Please do not forget to submit your perceptions by Monday (before 8 a.m).

first step - register
*IMPORTANT-please use your own gmail. not the group or batch email. if you have do so, renew your account.(thank you)

second step - perception form


reflective diary

*Please write your reflective diary with this format.
Please type you matric no and your academic password correctly.
If you type wrong Matric no. and password, your assignment consider NOT SEND.

Thank you. (=

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